Hank Lin

21 posts
Jun 27, 2020

Reasonable goals for learning and progress

Reasonable goals for learning and progress

The more things a simple guideline can be applicable to, the closer it is to being a unifying theory. Simple guidelines and advice are easier to remember and way easier to teach the next generation.

Jun 26, 2020

Trying out Rust and WebAssembly

Trying out Rust and WebAssembly

Following this guide to get a handle on Rust and how it looks to create WebAssembly that can work on the browser. First thing that went wrong was needing to upgrade NodeJS because

Jun 23, 2020

My start in Rust Development

My start in Rust Development

I first heard about Rust through a teammate in my company who had a very interesting story. "I tried to port over a C++ program to Rust and I had such a

Jun 22, 2020

Gracie Instructor Certification Training: Week 2 - 12

Gracie Instructor Certification Training: Week 2 - 12

There were quite a few "Aha!" moments during the certification training and I definitely had lessons and wisdom that I was able to take away from it to apply towards software engineering. These were some of the things that I realized during the certification.