Trying out Rust and WebAssembly

Following this guide to get a handle on Rust and how it looks to create WebAssembly that can work on the browser. First thing that went wrong was needing to upgrade NodeJS because npm apparently required a newer version of NodeJS on my Windows machine all of a sudden. So after upgrading to Node v12, I then found out that git wasn't recognized in powershell so the command to clone a git repo to initialize an npm project with the command npm init wasm-app www
wasn't working. I wish Windows would have the foresight to install git on machines, it's just extra hassle and work that makes me feel Windows development environment isn't aligned with what normal developers would work with.
Going through the tutorial to make Conway's game of life was really awesome. There does not exist a ton of stuff to make it look great yet but it was just so cool seeing how it all worked together and seeing live changes happen from manipulating Rust code to convert to WebAssembly. I might go through different projects that I've completed before in other frameworks/languages and use this Rust/WebAssembly setup and try it out. I eventually want to move onto the Gameboy emulator that was written in Rust/WebAssembly.